- Careers
- Training
Employee career development plans at WNC
WNC’s training strategy is developed based on company policies and organizational strategies. While also taking individual employees’ abilities into consideration, a customized training program is then proposed to enhance their specialties.
WNC places great emphasis on the personal development of employees. Supervisors and co-workers jointly formulate individual development plans (IDP) and learning goals that are combined with personal and organizational goals. Through training, experience sharing, application in a practical work environment, job rotation, supervisor guidance and feedback we assist employees to grow. Likewise a goal-oriented performance evaluation mechanism supports and assists that growth. In addition, through annual Talent Inventory and Talent Development Meetings, we identify potential mid- to high-level manager talents and their development needs, and implement tailored development plans.
A systematic training and development structure is established to implement WNC’s training strategy. In addition to enhancing employees’ specialties, the structure provides diverse learning methods, talent development, and activities where participants share their technological knowledge, helping WNC’s team members strengthen their overall abilities and allow the company to achieve greater goals.
Dynamic Talent Management
- Organizational talent plan
- Dynamic talent training system
- Talent development and training
Worldwide Learning System
- Implementing the “WNC Colleges”
- Modularized training courses
- Worldwide accessible E-learning system
- Learning resource-sharing
- Self-learning
Training System
- Departmental internal training
- Talent Cultivation
- Learning from the project team
- Business and technology research
- Waste elimination project
- Lessons learned
- RD Forum
- Experience exchange with customers
- Seminars for suppliers
- Sustainable Development / ESG
Worldwide Learning System
WNC places great emphasis on employee training and encourages employees to expand their knowledge via means such as participating in external training courses. Internally, WNC is also committed to fostering a positive learning environment, encouraging employees to continue learning despite the impact of COVID-19.
WNC Colleges
The five WNC colleges underwent a restructuring in 2021. A course framework for the five WNC colleges was formulated in accordance with WNC’s business strategies as well as external trends. WNC has also created a course level system in reference to WNC’s business processes, enabling employees to understand which courses are best suited to them.
Other Learning Systems
In addition to the face-to-face courses of the “WNC Colleges”, there are also modularized courses for systematic learning and the E-learning system that deliver learning resources to WNC employees worldwide.
WNC Colleges

Digital Intelligence Leadership College
In response to VUCA and transformation trends, the Intelligence Leadership College focuses on cultivation of skills relating to cooperation, adaptability, and sustainable growth, with the goal of giving every employee the capability to be a leader.

Business College
The Business College focuses on building employees’ ability to follow market trends and to understand customers’ needs based on the OODA loop and in accordance with WNC’s operational directives and global trends.

Smart Manufacturing College
The Smart Manufacturing College offers courses in manufacturing, quality and materials fields based on Industry 4.0, helping employees deliver defect-free and competitive products and services to customers.

Research and Development(R&D) College
The R&D College focuses on interdisciplinary exchanges of technology information and development, inviting internal and external experts to share their ideas. These courses can help R&D staff expand their thinking and design concepts.

AI College
With the aim of cultivating AI talent, the AI College organizes its courses to focus on the areas of computational thinking, programming languages and AI development.
Diverse Methods
WNC places great emphasis on employee training and encourages employees to expand their knowledge via means such as participating in external training courses. Internally, WNC is also committed to fostering a positive learning environment, encouraging employees to continue learning despite the impact of COVID-19.
Learning Methods
Classroom Learning: Internal/external courses, reading clubs, departmental internal training, supervisor’s lectures, project-team establishment, business and technology research, and voluntary learning by employees.
The “E-learning” system provides various online courses for employees to learn at any time and in any location.

Dynamic People Development
A complete personal development plan for your career: Through the diverse training methods and your personal development plan, we assist you in developing the specialty most suitable for you.
Digital talent management
Digital talent management is a key competitive advantage of WNC and to this end WNC is implementing a Human Capital Management platform. It aims at designing HR management processes and services from the point of view of the employee experience, simplifying the process of talent management and supporting our overall vision and strategy. With this platform, WNC is able to collect large amounts of talent data and implement dynamic HR management to ensure the successful implementation of HR strategy.
Employee development strategies that keep abreast of the times
We conduct a Half Year People Review (HPR) twice a year to review our progress in terms of talent acquisition, talent engagement, talent development, and talent retention. We discuss and create a plan for improvement of our talent strategy to strengthen the effectiveness of talent development.
Robust career development opportunities
WNC implements a dual-track development system which provides management and professional tracks. With comprehensive training and development resources, WNC employees can select the career path most suited to their own job interests and expertise.
Learning in All Aspects
Continued strengthening of our own specialties, taking up social responsibilities, and learning from experiences and challenges cooperating with suppliers and customers: at WNC not only do we enhance our knowledge of technology from the products that we develop, but we also grow from our experiences requesting suppliers to comply with our social-responsibility and ethics policies. This growth also helps us provide better products and services to our customers.