Announcement on behalf of NeWeb Holding Corporation on the completion of amendments to capital reduction registration

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Announcement on behalf of NeWeb Holding Corporation on the completion of amendments to capital reduction registration

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Company code: 6285

No: 2

Subject: Announcement on behalf of NeWeb Holding Corporation on the completion of amendments to capital reduction registration

To which item it meets: article 4 paragraph 36

Date of events: 2022/02/21


  • Date of the competent authority’s approval of capital reduction: 2022/02/21
  • Date of completion of capitalization change registration: 2022/02/21
  • Effect on the financial statements (including any discrepancy between the amount of paid-in capital and the no.of shares outstanding, and the effect on net worth per share):
    • Paid-in capital & outstanding shares before capital reduction in cash: USD$103,300,000/103,300,000 shares; net worth per share was USD$ 2.42
    • Amount of capital reduction & cancelled shares: USD$10,000,000/10,000,000 shares
    • Paid-in capital & outstanding shares after capital reduction in cash: USD$93,300,000/93,300,000 shares; net worth per share is USD$ 2.57
  • Plan for expected share replacement operations: N/A
  • Estimated no.of listed common shares after capital reduction and new issue: N/A
  • Estimated no.of listed common shares as a percentage of issued common shares after capital reduction and new issue (No.of common shares after capital reduction/No.of issued common shares): N/A
  • Countermeasures for poor circulation of equity if the aforesaid estimated no.of listed common shares does not reach 60 million shares and the percentage does not reach 25% after capital reduction: N/A
  • Any other matters that need to be specified:The Company received approval documentation for capital reduction registration amendment on Feb. 22, 2022.